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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Read John 11:1-16.
Verse six of this story has always been intriguing to me: Yet when he heard that  Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days” (vs. 6). The love of Jesus was so great that He delayed His coming to Lazarus. The human, logical, rationally thinking, western mind cannot grasp Jesus actions. If Jesus love was so great for Lazarus, why didnt He immediately go to Lazarus and meet his needs? If the love of Jesus was so great for His friend, why did He stall for another two days?    

As you reflect upon this thought, listen to what Jesus said earlier: This sickness  will not end in death. No, it is for Gods glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it” (vs. 4).  


  1. This reminds me of the idea that sometimes we need to give up the good in order to experience the great. Yes, Jesus could have healed Lazarus when he was sick. But the disciples already knew that healing from sickness was possible, and in fact healing sickness was something that even humans knew how to do. It didn't require greater belief, or the power of God.

    But what Jesus wanted was not only to restore Lazarus to life, which He did - but to expand the minds of His disciples in terms of what they understood to be possible for Him.

    Sometimes when God says "no" to our request for something, or takes away something, He is preparing us for something even greater. This goes along with yesterday's Scripture saying to trust Him. Even if we don't understand His timing...He is always working everything together for good.


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